Tuesday, September 1, 2009

5 easy ways to get more Etsy traffic for your blog

Do you have a blog? I know many of you do, and they can be a wonderful tool for connecting with others online. Here are some easy ways to start driving more etsy-related traffic to your blog.

1. Comment on other Etsy seller's blogs. Bloggers (and even blog followers) are usually curious about the people commenting on their page, and often click on profiles to see who they are. Hint hint!!)

2. Share a tutorial or how-to on your blog. Cross-post it with a link to your blog on various forums like the Etsy forums, Crafster, Indiepublic, etc.

3. Create a weekly column that people will come back for. For example, you could have a weekly roundup of your favorite 5 pieces of Etsy Jewelry. When you let the sellers know they have been featured on your blog, tell them they can post a link to the feature on their shop's front page. Now you have traffic coming from the visitors of 5 different Etsy shops per week on your blog!

4. Interview another Etsy seller that you respect and post it on your blog. The seller may post it on their site, and also your blog will come up in the search results when the seller is searched for.

5. Offer to guest blog on another Etsy seller's blog (ideally one with more traffic than yours). Contribute a piece (such as a tutorial, roundup, etc) to their blog and you will be exposed to a whole new audience.

Good luck and please let me know how it works out for you!


  1. Great post with some useful tips.

  2. This is a good topic! Sounds like you really know what you're talking about here.

    I'm having difficulty finding blogs with a similar topic as mine. This makes it hard to find people who would be interested in my tutorials or being interviewed by me, etc.

  3. Great tips! I'm just starting out with my Etsy shop but have been a blogger of other activities for some time ... will definitely keep these in mind!

  4. These are great tips! Thank you for sharing them.

  5. Thank you! thank you! Wonderful tips :)

  6. Thanks for this post. Great tips!

  7. Great ideas! I do these sporadically, and am trying to get more of a regular rhythm going. Thanks for sharing these!

  8. I have been doing a couple of these, but I will incorporate the others in. Thanks for the tips.

  9. Thank you! You have great tips! I've been really bad about blogging regularly but I'm going to try to make more time and use your tips! Thanks again!

  10. Thank you- will try many of the ideas. much appreciated!

  11. Thanks for the tips! I keep saying I'm going to start a weekly themed post but I haven't gotten there yet. It's on my list of 2010 goals so thanks for the reminder.

    Lisa V

  12. Great tips! Always great to be reminded...thanks!

  13. Where is the best place on the web to set up a blog?

  14. Just set up my blog! Thank you for the recommendation!


  15. thank you so much for the tips! do you offer one on one marketing help? i am desparately trying to increase my etsy business and would be very interested in talking with you!

  16. i knew I would get some great advice here! I was just thinking how to increase traffic to my blog and there it is :)

  17. Great Ideas! Thanks for all the wonderful tips!! Now it's off to blog! :-)

  18. your blog was fantastic thank you so much for the awesome tips :o)

  19. great ideas!! Thanks so much!

    My shop is: http://www.etsy.com/shop/mdirwin

  20. Thanks for the tips!! Luckily, I read your mind before I even read this post and put up a tutorial on my blog...


  21. Great advice, I have been working on some tutorials lately and can't wait to post them! I also feature a lot of etsy sellers because they are so inspiring... Love your blog.


  22. Thanks - now I can give my blog a bit more direction.
