Saturday, November 7, 2009

Time Your Listings to Peak Hours — Get More Sales

Everything Etsy has an interesting post up about timing your listings to get more sales. They list the exact time frames that they believe are the best for getting more views and sales. I am curious if your experiences match up to the advice given here. What are your favorite times to list?

Another note - I am running low on product pictures to feature along with my blog posts. If you want to be featured, or I missed you this time around (sorry if I did, was just an oversight!) please send over your shop information to my email. Thanks!


  1. A post went out a couple weeks ago about posting on Saturday mornings and that didn't work. Been trying to feature it but the dates are taken.

  2. Thanks for all the information shared here!

  3. Hi Jordan,
    The best time for me to list or renew is between 10:00pm and midnight. I was tickled to see that Etsy considers this as one of the peak times!

    Thanks for sharing

  4. I have found that Friday and Saturday nights have the most traffic. Holidays and sundays are a total bust :-)

  5. When I first started on Etsy 3 years ago, I literally tracked and charted everything. I did this for three weeks. Back in the day I would list at 6:00 pm Tues- Thurs. Eventually it progressed to once in the morning and once at 6pm. Over the years, my "busy" days have changed ...but I did find graphing, although crazy, helped me IMMENSELY :)

  6. I've had the best luck with Saturdays, earlier in the day... But if everyone lists then, it seems hit or miss. Some of it seems a little erratic, but maybe I should try graphing.

  7. So, is it bad of me that I list when I can list, not when it's a good time? I'd rather spend more time blogging and connecting with people on facebook and twitter than sitting by my computer trying to figure out what the best to list something is...

  8. I have a hard time figuring that out too! I looked on google analytics and almost everytime is equal traffic for me, except when I have been featured on front page. I wonder if there is a better way to graph it...

  9. Intersting ideas about when to list ..thanks !

  10. I kind of list when I have something ready.. I am sure that there is a good time/bad time to list... just havn't stumbled upon it yet :) Thanks for all the info guys! I'm workin' hard to get my business movin'!!

