Saturday, September 19, 2009

Top 20 Etsy Sellers

I just stumbled upon a pretty neat new site for Etsy and Artfire sellers called yaami handmade. In addition to hosting a handmade market, directory, and providing some useful tools, yammi also provides an up-to-date list of the twenty top Etsy sellers.

You may have seen this list before. Have you noticed that is comprised almost completely of Etsy suppliers? I would like to see a list of top handmade sellers, has anyone seen a list like this?

My question to you - have you ever thought about adding supplies to your shop or creating a sister shop for supplies? I know some of you have already done this, do you have any advice or tips to share?


  1. I would like to see a list of top 20 vintage dealers on Etsy.
    I also am looking for info about listing vintage supplies as I have a ton so this helps. thank you. foo.

  2. You can get the top seller list for loads of categories from the Etsy Wiki. There is a list of vintage sellers, too. :)
